RWS Källberga åk F-6

The school at the heart of the village!

The school at the heart of the village!

As part of the vision for a new community shaped by social and ecological sustainability, Raoul Wallenberg Schools offer both a pre-school and a primary school for grades F–6 in Källberga. The activities take place in five modern and well-adapted buildings: one for the pre-school, one for the lower primary school, one for the upper primary school, a shared building housing the kitchen, dining hall, principal’s office, library, and specialized classrooms, and a sports hall. The outdoor environments encourage active exploration with a focus on joyful movement and motor skill challenges.

All operations are guided by RWS’s successful school concept, “The School at the Heart of the Community.” This concept creates a cohesive and thoughtfully designed educational environment, with a clear thread running from the early years in pre-school through students’ continued development in primary school. This continuity uniquely strengthens children’s and students’ learning and personal growth.

RWS Källberga welcomes all children and youth, regardless of interests, abilities, or socioeconomic background. We are committed to ensuring that our schools reflect the diversity of the surrounding community. We believe this diversity fosters the best dynamics in the school environment while also contributing to positive societal development.

RWS Källberga åk F-6

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Svärtings gata 27, 148 91 Ösmo, Sweden

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+46 (0)767-819944


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Our mission is to make a positive difference for every individual child and student in our schools.



Eva Arfwedson, Deputy CEO

More about the school

In the scenic area of Källberga, a new community is emerging. The area is characterized by rolling terrain and stunning views of the Södertörn forests and landscapes. Our preschool and primary school are strategically located here.

Aligned with our health profile, children spend a significant part of their day outdoors, engaging in stimulating activities and enjoying access to a diverse and rich natural environment.

Aerial view of RWS Källberga

Life within the Raoul Wallenberg Schools

Picture of Amanda & Jacob

A Glimpse into Everyday Life at Raoul Wallenberg School in Skövde

At Raoul Wallenberg School in Skövde, there are 514 students. Two of them, Amanda Lindqvist (Grade 8) and Jacob Aldén (Grade 9), are both very satisfied with their choice of school. In this feature, they offer us a glimpse into their school day and warmly recommend RWS to others. When the option of “Student’s Choice” […]


Latest news

New Website

Raoul Wallenberg School has taken a significant step in its digital development with the launch of a new website and an updated visual identity.

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Frequently asked questions

Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. For questions regarding specific schools or preschools, please use the contact information available under the “Contact” tab.

Click on “Schools” in the menu and select the school or preschool you are interested in. Follow the instructions on the respective school’s page.

Absolutely! It’s never too late to join the journey toward realizing an individual’s full potential. Contact your desired school to learn more.

Raoul Wallenberg School was founded to provide children and young people with a solid foundation in knowledge, skills, and character, inspired by Raoul Wallenberg, to prepare them for the various challenges of life ahead.

Click on your municipality in the main menu and fill out the form for the school missing in your area. We will then take your request into account as we work to provide all children with a cohesive education through us.

Click on “Schools” in the menu and select the school or preschool you are interested in. Follow the instructions on the respective school’s page.