School philosophy
Our ambition is to inspire, challenge, and prepare our children and students for the future in a safe and secure environment that fosters self-confidence and well-being. Learning is a holistic process where we integrate the development of children’s and students’ knowledge, social skills, and character traits to help them reach their full potential.
We offer a cohesive educational journey from preschool to grade 9 in elementary school. We follow a continuous approach with the same core values throughout the entire climb to the top.
Our core values
Our vision is that every individual child and student in our schools will develop their full potential. We are inspired by our guiding principles: honesty, compassion, courage, and drive.
Our vision is that every individual child and student in our schools will develop their full potential. Our mission is to make a positive difference for each individual. We see and understand every child and student, providing them with the right conditions for personal development.
Together with guardians, we create a safe, inclusive, and challenging learning environment that inspires lifelong learning. We apply our guiding principles—honesty, compassion, courage, and determination—on a daily basis.
Learning for life
Learning is a holistic process where we weave together children’s and students’ development of knowledge, social skills, and character traits.
Learning is a holistic process where we weave together children’s and students’ development of knowledge, social skills, and character traits. Our ambition is to prepare them for a rapidly changing society—both locally and globally—through individualized teaching.
We offer a cohesive educational journey from preschool to grade 9 in elementary school, fostering the development of each individual’s full potential—a climb to the top in knowledge, skills, and character.
Good well-being
We apply a holistic approach to education. We contribute to developing self-confidence and good well-being in every individual child and student.
Study peace
At RWS, we apply a holistic approach to education. In addition to academic learning, we also focus on ensuring that every individual child and student develops strong self-confidence and a sense of well-being that will carry them forward in life.
Our work is based on our core values, including our vision, mission, and guiding principles of honesty, compassion, courage, and determination. We implement a wide range of personal development activities in a calm, safe, and secure school environment.
Our vision is that every individual child and student in our schools will develop their full potential. Our mission is to make a positive difference for each individual. We see and understand every child and student, providing them with the right conditions for personal development.
Together with guardians, we create a safe, inclusive, and challenging learning environment that inspires lifelong learning. We apply our guiding principles—honesty, compassion, courage, and drive —on a daily basis.
Learning is a holistic process where we weave together children’s and students’ development of knowledge, social skills, and character traits. Our ambition is to prepare them for a rapidly changing society—both locally and globally—through individualized teaching.
We offer a cohesive educational journey from preschool to grade 9 in elementary school, fostering the development of each individual’s full potential—a climb to the top in knowledge, skills, and character.
At RWS, we apply a holistic approach to education. In addition to academic learning, we also focus on ensuring that every individual child and student develops strong self-confidence and a sense of well-being that will carry them forward in life.
Our work is based on our core values, including our vision, mission, and guiding principles of honesty, compassion, courage, and drive. We implement a wide range of personal development activities in a calm, safe, and secure school environment.
Raoul Wallenberg is our inspiration.
Raoul Wallenbergskolorna were founded with Raoul Wallenberg as a role model, aiming to provide children and young people with a strong and solid foundation in knowledge, skills, and character to face the various challenges of life ahead. At Raoul Wallenberg Schools, we are humbly proud to operate under his name. We are inspired by his character, his diverse abilities, and his accomplishments.
- Our role model and inspiration.
- Form the foundation of our guiding principles.
- Inspires us to develop abilities that make a difference.
Our core values
Everyone can and wants to learn!
Children and young people have different interests in life and different dreams for the future. They also have different conditions and abilities to reach their full potential. This is something we at Raoul Wallenberg Schools take very seriously, but we also believe that every individual can and wants to learn and develop. We believe in and have high expectations for everyone. Our ambition is to see, understand, and meet each child and student where they are.
We strongly believe in each child’s and student’s inner ability. Our task is to inspire learning and create a desire within the individual to reach their full potential. It is the child and student who must, through their own efforts, progress and advance in knowledge, social skills, and character. We are there alongside them—teaching, encouraging, challenging, supporting, and coaching—as they climb towards the goals they set for themselves. Throughout this journey, we apply our core values with our vision, mission, and guiding principles of honesty, compassion, courage, and drive.
Our vision
"Our vision is that every individual child and student in our schools will develop their full potential."
Our preschools and primary schools aim to provide every individual child and student with the opportunity to grow and develop in an inspiring and challenging learning environment. We strive to equip our children and students with the knowledge, skills, and character traits they need to become independent, engaged, and responsible citizens who contribute to the positive development of a sustainable local and global society.
"Our mission is to make a positive difference for every individual child and student in our schools."
We are proud to do this in the spirit of Raoul Wallenberg – through honesty, compassion, courage, and drive. We see and understand every individual child and student, providing them with the right conditions to develop their full potential. Together with guardians, we create a safe, inclusive, and challenging learning environment that inspires lifelong learning.
Our mission
Our guiding principles
Our guiding principles are inspired by Raoul Wallenberg and his life’s work, guiding us in everything we do every day.
Be true to yourself and others
Show consideration for others
Stand up for what you believe in
Take action to make a difference
Skolans roll i samhället
Våra skolor ska spegla det omkringliggande samhället.
I våra skolor möts barn och elever med olika bakgrund och förmågor. Alla ges möjlighet att utveckla sin fulla potential.
Barn och elever ska ha så nära som möjligt till våra skolor.
De ska kunna gå och cykla till sin skola på säkra vägar. Det ger mycket rörelse, är praktiskt för föräldrarna och hållbart för samhället. Det ger dem också goda förutsättningar att skapa vänskapsband både för skolan och fritiden.
Våra skolor ska bidra till det hållbara samhället.
Våra skolor ska vara den gemensamma mötesplatsen.
Våra skolor ska utveckla ett förtroendefullt samarbete med kommunens olika företrädare
Kommunen har, genom demokratiska val, huvudansvaret för att alla barn och ungdomar får en gedigen utbildning. För att lyckas med detta utvecklar vi som skoloperatör ett nära och förtroendefullt samarbete med de kommunledningar vi är verksamma i.
Learning for life
The climb to the top
For us, learning is a holistic process where we weave together children’s and students’ development of knowledge, social skills, and character traits. Our ambition is to prepare them for the rapidly changing society—both locally and globally—through individualized teaching.
We implement national curricula, such as the Swedish curriculum in Sweden, but we are also inspired by international research and developments in the education sector when further developing education within RWS. We primarily follow the 21st Century Skills framework, an educational structure developed by organizations such as the OECD, which outlines the knowledge, social skills, and character traits required for individuals to thrive in the fast-moving society of the future.
For every individual child and student to succeed, a cohesive and well-integrated educational journey with a continuous thread is essential. Therefore, we offer a unified educational experience from preschool to grade 9 in primary school. Each stage of education—preschool, lower primary, middle primary, and upper primary—has its unique role in supporting children and students as they climb to the top.
Knowledge, skills & character
För oss är lärandet en helhet där vi väver ihop barnens och elevernas utveckling av kunskaper, sociala förmågor och karaktärsegenskaper. Vår ambition är att förbereda dem för ett snabbt föränderligt samhälle – både lokalt och globalt. Vi utgår ifrån 21st Century Skills, en utbildningsstruktur framtagen av internationella organ, som beskriver vilka kunskaper, sociala förmågor och karaktärsegenskaper som krävs av människor i det framtida snabbrörliga samhället.
Skolans huvuduppdrag är barnens och elevernas kunskapsutveckling. Vår ambition är att lägga grunden för ett livslångt lärande. Vi utgår ifrån varje enskilt barns och elevs förutsättningar och ambitionen är att varje individ ska nå sin fulla potential. Vårt samhälle kännetecknas av alltmer social och kulturell mångfald samtidigt med ökat behov av samarbete mellan människor i små och stora sammanhang. Utveckling av goda karaktärsdrag är en viktig förutsättning för att den enskilde individen ska lyckas väl i sitt klättrande mot toppen och individens fulla potential.
The main mission of the school is the knowledge development of children and students. Solid linguistic and mathematical skills should be established in preschool and lower primary school to ensure a successful educational journey. Each individual student should meet the knowledge requirements for each grade in all subjects. As many students as possible should reach the A-level.
Our society is characterized by increasing social and cultural diversity, alongside a growing need for collaboration between people in both small and large contexts. It is therefore becoming increasingly necessary to develop abilities in the areas of social and cultural awareness, creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.
The development of good character traits is an important prerequisite for an individual to succeed in their climb to the top and reach their full potential. Alongside our guiding principles, we focus on developing positive character traits such as curiosity, initiative, perseverance, adaptability, and leadership.
The common thread
Our ambition is for our learning environment to inspire, challenge, and prepare our children and students for the future. We apply the continuous thread, maintaining the same core values throughout the entire climb to the top and the development of each individual’s full potential.
Vi utvecklar hela individen
Vi vet att alla kan och vill lära
Vi har höga förväntningar på varje enskild individ
Vi utvecklar individens självtillit
Förtroendefullt samarbete med vårdnadshavarna
Vill du veta mer om den röda tråden?
Good well-being

The mental and physical health and well-being of children and students are crucial for a good life, and thus for learning and personal development socially and in terms of character. For good health and well-being, we aim to contribute by building self-esteem and self-confidence, encouraging physical activity, developing social skills, limiting screen time, creating a safe and secure environment with calm and study peace, and providing nutritious meals.

We have clear rules for well-being and continuously carry out preventive and promotive safety measures among children and students. Our student health teams have primary responsibility for this. Each school develops its own local Plan against Harassment and Discrimination annually, based on our core values.

Calm and study peace
Calm and study peace during lessons and throughout the school day are essential for safety and learning. In our schools, we operate based on our core values and guiding principles. The purpose is to create a positive and respectful environment at school that allows students to focus on learning and their own personal development.

Culture and creativity
Research and experience show that participation in creative activities—such as art, music, dance, theater, writing, or crafts—can contribute to both mental and physical well-being in various ways. By exploring creativity and culture, children and young people can experience increased quality of life and a deeper connection to both themselves and others.