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Board of Directors
Dag Sundström
Per Egon Johansson
Per Egon Johansson has extensive experience in business, public administration, and politics. In the 1990s, he served as State Secretary at the Ministry of Communications and CEO of Bilprovningen. For over 15 years, he was a senior advisor to corporate and government leaders on organizational and strategic matters. Per Egon founded Raoul Wallenberg Schools in 2006.
Carmela Fuchs Gerson
Rosemary Waher Schennings
Rosemary is currently a leadership developer and partner at Gaia Leadership. She has many years of experience as a principal, education director, and CEO of education companies. Her work has included developing the integrated medical education program at the Health University, designing a new police training program, and establishing new schools, including upper secondary schools, elementary schools, and preschools.
Niklas Nordström
Niklas is a consultant and advisor in communication and public affairs. He currently runs his own company, Egenmakt, but has previously been a consultant and partner at Prime PR and Miltton. Niklas has a long background in Swedish politics, having served as the national chairman of SSU in the 1990s. He has also been a regional politician in Norrbotten and Stockholm, a municipal commissioner in Nacka, as well as municipal commissioner and chairman of the municipal board in Luleå. Additionally, he has been a board member of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR). Niklas has also served as chairman of the Swedish Basketball Federation, Business Sweden, and Svenskt flyg.