RWS Källberga

Opening at the start of the 2024 school year

Källberga is a new residential area, set in Södertörn’s forest and farmland, close to the sea. “A vision of tomorrow’s people-centred, nature-oriented housing, characterised by social and ecological sustainability and in harmony with a unique and diverse landscape.” “A vision shaped by rugged ridges and plains, by the stillness of pine forests and open valleys.”

As part of this vision for a new society characterised by social and ecological sustainability, Raoul Wallenberg Schools will establish a junior school for grades 0-6 and a preschool in August 2024. Educational activities will be conducted in five different school buildings – one for preschool; one for the infant school; one for the junior school; one for kitchen, canteen, principal’s office, library, auditorium, etc.; and a sports hall. The activities will be run according to RWS’ successful school concept “The school in the middle of the village”. The schools will be characterised by a consistent pedagogical approach stretching from the early preschool years up to the end of ninth grade.

RWS Källberga welcomes all children and young people regardless of interests, ability and socioeconomic background. We are committed to ensuring that our schools have a student body that reflects the local community in various ways. We believe that this creates the best dynamic in the school environment while contributing to the positive development of society. “Our passion is to make a positive difference for every single child and pupil in our schools”. This is our mission.

The school will be characterised by its welcoming, secure atmosphere and the peace and quiet it provides for the children to be able to study. Health and exercise will be a central part of the school’s activities. We encourage physical activity, camaraderie and friendship, with specially appointed pupils leading exercise activities during breaks for their peers.

The main task of school is the development of pupils’ knowledge. At RWS, however, we also put considerable focus on the pupils’ character developmentbased on our role model Raoul Wallenberg and the watchwords that will permeate the activities of RWS Källberga.

There will be very close cooperation between teachers and recreation leaders so that after-school activities will also contribute to the pupils’ knowledge development. Our pupil health team will carry out targeted preventive and proactive pupil health initiatives at the school.

Our ambition is to recruit committed and competent employees – school management, teachers, recreation leaders and pupil health team. We therefore have very high expectations of all our staff – it’s about both educational and character leadership. Our employees shall be good role models for the pupils.

Our vision is “to contribute positively to the development of the Swedish school system and thereby to Sweden as a whole”. With RWS Källberga, we are continuing our important work.

The application to start RWS Källberga was submitted to the Swedish School Inspectorate in January this year.

Eva Arfwedson, vice VD

Applying for school? Apply for RWS Källberga
RWS Källberga Tel: 0767-819944
Therese Rohnström:
Svärtings gata 27, 148 91 Ösmo Sverige

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